Woodlands School


Welcome to this section of the website where you can find out more about our school's governors and the work of the Governing Body.

Governance Statement 

The Governing Board has three core functions, as set out in the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook.

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school
  • Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money

Governance Arrangement

The governing body meet together as a full governing body every term and visit school at least termly to ensure vision is being turned into reality, ethos is being embedded and progress is being made against the strategic plan.

The Governing Body consists of:

  • Four Parent Governors
  • One LA Governor
  • One Staff Governor
  • The Headteacher
  • Four Co-opted Governors

Working Together

Parents, staff, governors and the wider school community – working in partnership to ensure that every child can succeed and reach their full potential. To achieve this, and to carry out our role as governors effectively, we need to know what issues are important to you (so we remain responsive) and ensure that you know what issues the governors are discussing (so that we remain accountable).

Keeping in Touch

The website is a good way of keeping up to date with all aspects of school life. If you have a concern or a point of view to share, please come and speak to us.

We welcome your views. You can contact us by email via the school website or by dropping a note in at the school office.

Becoming a Governor

Being a school governor is an important role but you do not need to have any particular skills, knowledge or experience to become a governor. What you need to bring is: a commitment to school life; the ability to work with others; patience and enthusiasm; a willingness to learn; a commitment to working openly and democratically; and, most importantly a willingness to spend what time you can offer getting involved in school life. Our governors typically spend about 10 hours a term contributing to school life (attending meetings, undertaking training, visiting school, participating in school events and much more) but some do less and you can do a lot more if you choose.

The most important thing to note is that governors are a team, not a collection of individuals or groups with separate agendas. However much we may differ in our opinions and experiences we are united by our commitment to the school and the responsibility we share for its long-term success. In short, we have a common purpose. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a school governor please get in touch with any of our governors.


Name Type of Governor & Responsibility Committee Membership Start Date End Date
Karen Haworth Head teacher

Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget

Pay Review

Jemma Scott (Kells)

Parent Governor

Governor for Behaviour and Safeguarding

Performance Management of Headteacher

Teaching and Learning

04/12/2023  04/12/2027
Maria Stewart

LA Governor

Governor for SEND


Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget

Pay Review

Conf Pay Minutes


04/11/2022 03/11/2026
Kristina Penny

Chair of Governors

Parent Governor

Governor for Leadership and Management


Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget


27/02/2023 27/02/2027
Stephen Poole

Co-opted Governor

Governor for Resources

Pay Review

Annual Budget

10/03/2024 10/03/2028
Rachel McDowell

Staff Governor

Governor for Personal Development

Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget

18/10/2024 17/10/2028
Hayley Gardiner

Co-opted Governor

Governor for Curriculum and Assessment

CONF Pay Minutes

Pay review

Annual Budget

19/03/2021 20/05/2025
Diane Whaite

Co-opted Governor

Governor for Wider Curriculum

Performance Management of Headteacher

Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget

17/11/2023 17/11/2027
Michael Sjollema

Co-opted Governor

Governor for Behaviour and Attitudes

Teaching and Learning

Annual Budget

17/11/2023 17/11/2027
Rebecca Sandford-Jones

Co-opted Governor

Governor for Behaviour and Attitudes

Local Authority Governor

22/11/2024 22/11/2028

Governor Documents

Updated: 04/02/2022 37 KB  
Constitution of the Governing Body
Updated: 04/02/2022 45 KB  
Training Governors
Updated: 04/02/2022 44 KB  
Declarations of Interest
Updated: 26/07/2024 37 KB  
Meeting Attendance

Contact the Governing Body

If you would like to contact the Governing Board with any comments, concerns or compliments please address your correspondence in writing to the Chair of the Governing Body, C/O the school (marked private and confidential).



Governor Role


Link Teacher

Link Contact



Kristina Penny

Leadership and Management

Staff Wellbeing


Karen Haworth


Summer 2024

Karen Haworth
Charlotte Weber
Jemma Scott Safeguarding Evolve -
Risk Assessments
Single Central Record (SCR)
Georgia Wharrier georgia.wharrier@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Georgia Wharrier
Michael Sjollema Behaviour and Attitudes Attendance
LPPA Award
Charlotte Weber charlotte.weber@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Charlotte Weber
Hayley Gardiner Curriculum and Assessment Curriculum Pathways Hannah MaLeod hannah.macleod@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Hannah Macleod
Joanne McConnell
Stephen Poole Resources Health and Safety Audit of school Georgia Wharrier georgia.wharrier@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Georgia Wharrier
Andy Cox
Jacob Nkuah
Diane Whaite Wider Curriculum Enrichment Offer Hannah Macleod hannah.macleod@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Hannah Macleod Joanne McConnell
Maria Stewart SEND Pupil Premium
Toni Fairholm toni.fairholm@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Toni Fairholm
Sarah Peachey
Charlotte Weber
Charlotte Weber Personal Development Careers Joanne McConnell joanne.mcConnell@woodlands.blackpool.sch.uk

Summer 2024

Joanne McConnell