Our school meals online payment service ...
We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting payments online for dinner money. Using a secure website called ParentPay, you can pay online using your credit / debit card. ParentPay is our preferred method of making payments to school.
What are the benefits to parents & pupils? | What are the benefits to our school? |
How to get started with ParentPay?
We will send you your account activation details. Once you receive these:
Visit www.parentpay.com
Enter your Activation username and password in the Account Login section of the homepage -These are for one-time use only, please choose your own username and password for future access during the activation process.
Provide all the necessary information and choose your new username and password for your account - registering your email address will enable us to send you receipts and reminders.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office. For more information, please visit www.parentpay.com
CyPad can be accessed from your ParentPay account. It improves the dinner ordering experience by allowing you and your child to select their school meal.
All accounts need to be up to date in order to order a meal. This includes children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 who have Universal Free School Meals paid for by the Government, and also any children who are entitled to a Free School Meal.
Click on the link below for a step-by-step guide for ordering school meals:
Parent guide to ordering school meal
We are able to add your child’s dietary and allergy needs. This will stop you from ordering any food that may contain traces of any foods they should not have.
If your child is entitled to Universal Free School Meals or Free School Meals you will still need to follow through the payment screen, however no payment will be taken from your account.
Children on Packed Lunch
We are also asking parents whose children usually bring their own packed lunch to sign up too, for those odd occasions that packed lunches are forgotten or you want them to have an ad hoc dinner.