Healthy Eating
Good health is vital and healthy eating, being one of many contributors to this, can influence physical, mental and social well-being. At Woodlands School, the staff are dedicated to helping each child understand the role of healthy eating in achieving good health. We also recognise that healthy eating does not mean having no treats, but means having them at appropriate times.
- To provide opportunities for each child to access knowledge, understanding and skills related to healthy eating so that they may make informed choices.
- To raise awareness of the concepts of ‘healthy eating’ and ‘balanced diet’ and their importance in maintaining good health.
- To develop a positive attitude towards their eating habits.
- To provide opportunities within school to pursue a healthy diet, making healthier choices, easier choices.
- To help the children understand that some foods should be eaten in moderation.
- Work in partnership with catering staff to ensure that nutritional standards are implemented by providing attractive, value for money meals that are appropriate to local needs.
- Work in partnership to achieve a pleasant and sociable dining experience, which enhances the social development of each pupil.
- Involve pupils and parents in decision making.
Curriculum Organisation and Delivery
Healthy eating is addressed through:
- Cross--curricular links
- Discussion between the teacher and pupils and between the pupils themselves
- Whole school themes
Early Years Foundation Stage/Key Stage 1 and 2
Subsidised milk is available for children in Nursery. There is a free fruit scheme in operation for our infant children. Each child is given a piece of fruit each day. There is different fruit each day e.g., apples, pears, oranges, bananas, cherry tomatoes and peeled carrots. This provides the children with a daily healthy snack and the social experience of eating together.
Snack Time
- Fresh fruit and vegetables
- Potted or tinned fruit (in natural juice)
- Dried fruit without added fat, sugar or salt
- Seeds without added fat, sugar or salt
- Cheese
- Yoghurts
- Currant/raisin bread or malt loaf
The following items are not acceptable, as they do not meet the government’s food-based standards in schools.
- Any type of confectionary (e.g. chocolate products and sweets)
- Cereal bars
- Processed fruit bars (e.g. Fruit Winders)
- Crisps and crisp-like products
- Buns and pastries
- Biscuits (sweet, including flapjacks and savoury, including crackers and breadsticks)
School lunchtime menus are agreed between the school and catering staff. Local preferences are considered within the framework of the nutritional standards. Theme days are linked to curriculum areas or calendar events.
The lunchtime meal offers a choice of foods, which allows the pupils to exercise their knowledge of healthy eating. We currently use Blackpool catering services - who follow
healthy schools’ guidelines. There is a three - week cyclic menu offering a choice of two main meals daily, one of which is suitable for Vegetarians. The menu includes healthy fish options and a range of freshly prepared salads from our salad bar and vegetables. Children are encouraged to try vegetables even if it is a small portion. Guidelines are followed that ensure menus include:
- Reduced fat, sugar and salt
- Increased fibre
- A wide range of freshly prepared salads and vegetables available daily
- Tinned fruit in natural juices
- Fresh fruit and yoghurt
The school recognises the particular value of school meals to children from low-income families. The system for free school meals is actively promoted to parents by the school and a non-discriminatory process is emphasised.
Packed Lunches
For children who opt to have a packed lunch, we ask that packed lunches are in a named, airtight container. Packed lunches should include some fruit or vegetable e.g. piece of fruit or fruit juice, dried fruit, cherry tomato, raw carrot, cucumber wedge.
Drinking Water
Water is available throughout the day. All children are offered water at snack and lunch times. As well as water, milk is provided every morning for children in early years.
Special events such as birthdays are times when food contributes to a sense of celebration. On these occasions foods other than fruit and vegetables may be offered, but staff will remind children that it is an occasional treat for a special occasion.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and reviews of more general aspects of healthy eating will be carried out through observation, and ongoing discussion via staff meetings and the School Council. Surveys for parent/carers are another means of seeking opinion about ways to improve this aspect of school life.
Equal Opportunities
Healthy eating is for all pupils regardless of gender, race, culture, religion, ability or any special educational need. This will be taken into account when planning the healthy eating curriculum and new initiatives.
Cross Curricular Links
There are opportunities for raising awareness of healthy eating in all areas of school life.